Business Consulting, Mentoring, Interim Management
Mentoring Services
'Give a man a fish and he eats today...teach a man to fish and he eats everyday'

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  • One to One Relationship
  • Develop Leadership Approaches
  • Build Managerial Skills
  • Improve Business Performance
  • Build Sales
  • Improve Profitability
consulting and mentoring
One of the advantages of running your own business is that you get to do it your way. One of the disadvantages of running your own business is that you sometimes only know how to do it your way. That's where Business Mentoring adds value. You still do it your way, but your way develops fresh approaches and proactive improvement strategies.

Consulting can bring about rapid one time fixes. Mentoring takes more time but tends to result in sustained improvement and sustained performance as you develop fresh thinking and approaches as you do it yourself.

The mentoring that I provide is based upon a one year Business Support Program. We work together to assess and analyze what is needed. Then we work together every week to attain the improvement goals that we have set. As your mentor I am available to become strategically and or tactically involved in any or all areas of your business.

As we work together over time we align our thinking and work styles and develop your company processes and build support teams to achieve and sustain success.

As you run your business you have available a constant source of evaluation and advice. You have a little voice in the background reminding you that certain things are to be accomplished. You have a seasoned management person from outside of your company -- that knows and cares about your company helping make you decisions and get the important things done.